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Friday, 11 December 2009

Kiss me Quick

"Caledonian yet again cement themselves as a brewery of the highest tier"

Brewer: Caledonian
Beer : Kiss me Quick
ABV : 4%
Style : Special
Colour: Mid Brown, Tawney
Out : December

My first experience withthe Caledonian brewery was in April 2009 at the West Bromwich Beer Festival, the beer in question being their montly fruit concoction: Rasperry Fool.

The beer was one of the best I had ever tasted, a perfect balance of alluring rasperry overtones and a strong malty substance. It had what I would later call the 'Caledonian touch,' a taste which I seem to notice in all the good Caledonian brews, that little something which feels almost like an author's signature on their work, in this case most likely the local water and mix of the finest natural ingredients.

Skip forward to December and I am pleased to see scrawled on the blackboard in chalk at my local pub, 'Kiss me Quick,' a beer I know to be another Caledonian monthly ale. This beer pours mid brown in colour and is 4% ABV, making it ideal for sessioning.

The aroma is pleasant, encapsulating that 'Caledonian touch' to the nose as well as hinting at a sweetooth biscuity smell.
The taste itself is divine, a captivating mixture of said biscuity flavour, smokey aftertaste, as well as a full bodied malt. The weight of the beer is medium although it started to veer towards thin territory near the end of the pint, but not too thin.

About halfway down I started to detect some fruit hints, possibly orange, with a more pronounced 'sweet tooth' flavour, probably from the molasse used in the brewing process. The texture is velvety smooth from the first sip to the final dregs, a cracker of a beer and a great winter warmer.

Caledonian consistently put out excellent stuff and this is no exception.Highly recommended to anyone whoe enjoys the biscuity flavoured beers, medium bodied, or a more malty emphasis with smokey substance.

Final Grade: 9/10

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